Here is a personal story or call it documentation of my experience in Limerick, pursuing my masters. I would like to narrate it in a very pleasant way, covering before coming, while pursuing, and after completing the masters.
Before Reaching Ireland:
I was having a very good time in India while working, made a lot of friends. The office is where I enjoyed most, not to mention it I guess backed by my parents. My last day at the office was on August 15th at Infrrd Pvt. Ltd. Here is a throwback pic of that:

It was very fun and the environment was very friendly. I missed out on the opportunity of taking a good pic with all my previous company friends, but I would like to remember them too with my favorite pic so far of ours.

And not to forget, here comes my engineering friends at a send-off party:

There are many memorable moments in India, and most of them would with the above people. The badminton, table tennis, movies, parties, hangouts, etc.
Saying all this, I will come to the topic of masters, I was always interested in studying new topics. Science always interests me. And had it in my mind to do masters and it was again backed up by brother Pooran. He went before me, completed it, and secured a job. Then I felt now it's my turn to catch up with him. Then I decided to do research on the university.
I will try to cut it short and it goes like this. I started going to education fairs and finally decided to go to Ireland, as it was one year program and an English speaking country. I and my father did go through this time of arranging money and stuff smoothly(not completely though 😛), thanks to his energy and patience coming along with me wherever I call him. And finally, the day came for me to leave 💃. And here is a pic to remember took a few days back, before departure date, as the last pic is not a good one to share 😛:

While Pursuing Masters:
And I reached Ireland, my first international journey. Just to remember my initial days, two people helped me very much. I was new and meeting them made my nerve a little relaxed. And that is Bharath and Sultan. I will be covering them in the pic in the later part.
So the master's program finally started 😮, we had three semesters divided into one complete year. Our university had the best/most clubs and societies to join. Also, the sports facility was the best among other universities in Ireland. I did join many of them. The main highlight was badminton, table tennis, Sky diving club, and Scuba diving. I will cut it short by posting a pic of them.

The first semester went so fast, it was filled with many things. The first two months went by in excitement and the third month was super hectic. Every alternate day a different subject. I felt really challenged. In both the semester, I did like 3 subjects over 5. Those two would be boring, filled with theory and assignment. I did get to learn new things in terms of master programs. I like programming and I did get a chance to showcase it in multiple group projects. Again, I had got very nice colleagues at the college for group projects.
Again, made a lot of friends, and it was discussing the courses, assignments, and other stupid stuff. Also in the first semester did celebrate Indian festivals and Irish gathering like Halloween, and why not, here comes the pics:

And here comes the second semester 😕 and came the Covid-19 chasing it. Covid-19 prevailed, regular routine got derailed and we all got jailed. The first month went as usual and restriction started its turn slowly and all the teaching went online. Introducing a few extra group projects, by changing the regular structure. Slowly everyone started to get locked up in the home.
I as such did not face any major problem in completing my master's, from the second sem I had started working on my third sem project. I had got it covered early before it starts. During the second semester, there was a stand-up meeting organized by my supervisor every week, to discuss the progress.
Projects so far worked are here:
First Semester’s work:
Software Design Project→ Golang →Machine Learning→State of the Art Essay →Presentation on RNN →Poster Presentation
Second Semester’s work:
Software Architecture →Data Mining →Data Mining Project →Big Data Project → Software Architecture Essay
Final Semester / Thesis work:
Mixed-Language Sentiment Analysis: A Deep Learning Approach
In the meantime, we did celebrate all the birthdays and stuff, gather here and there. Limerick is a small city and if u go out you find someone you know.
I just want to post one last pic which covers many who are close.

After Completion:
Completed the masters on the 27th of August with all the submissions. While I was doing my thesis, I had gotten into part-time work, in a company called No Place Like(rebranded into Plop in November 2020). Happy to say that it will be full-time from December 7th onwards.
Received Digital Certification of Completion with First Class Honors, today November 27th. Happy to receive it and happy at home.
Thanks for all being there and making this memorable one. Looking forward to more to come with all and new people out there :)
Also have not mentioned my Mom in the above section, maybe because she was there for me and with me all the time. She knows almost everything about me and I will always count on her if I need someone to talk to. Thanks to her for being there for me every time and almost every other skill I possess can be dedicated to her.
Last pic to express my feeling so far: